This time, we would like to share the test review from a famous tattoo artist.👀
This time we contacted a well-known American tattoo artist to test our tattoo needle cartridges, and he is also a great teacher named JASON RAMOS!
Let's take a look at his review of our cartridges and the piece he has completed with our needles.
“Okay, this is super good, the quality of the needles is super good, super precise, and they come very tight.
And not only that, guys, but the membrane also works super well, eye something.
I usually take into account if the cartridges last long sessions because you already know that cartridges tend to lose their edge, but in this case, that did not happen, guys.
I was working for hours and I continue working with these needles for long hours without the need to change the cartridges.”
Here we also can check his Youtube channel to learn more about real review for our tattoo needle cartridges.
OG PRODUCE do hopes that our products can promote the career development of every tattoo artist.
Welcome everyone to continue choosing our premium tattoo needle cartridges.